I’m Alex and i’m a breast cancer survivor.

← Those are some words I truly never thought I'd be saying.

So how did I get here? It all started with the sticky boob that saved my life. In January 2018, as I was getting ready for a night out with friends, I was putting on a sticky bra and noticed a lump that I had never felt before. I didn't think too much of it but remembered it the next morning at breakfast and asked my friend who is a nurse for her thoughts. We all agreed it was probably nothing, due to my age and lack of family history, but I decided to go to the gynecologist to get it checked out for peace of mind.

She too thought it was benign and nothing to worry about, but referred me to an imaging office and I scheduled a ultrasound and mammogram. At that appointment, the specialists could see a mass but couldn't tell what exactly was going on without further testing.

Next, I scheduled an appointment for a breast biopsy and, let me tell you, not a fun experience. My entire right breast was black and blue and extremely tender for weeks afterward. Y'all, the photo below was over 2 weeks after it was performed!

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At this point, all I could do was wait for the results, but I still wasn't worried. However, on February 8, 2018, my worst fears were confirmed when I received the call that would change my life. I was diagnosed with Stage I, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.

My life since that moment has been a blur of appointments, tests, treatments and surgeries, from chemotherapy to fertility preservation to a mastectomy and breast reconstruction surgery… you could say my life after cancer has been a bit overwhelming!

It’s been a hell of a ride but one thing I never questioned was my calling to start this blog. From shortly after diagnosis, I committed myself to sharing each and every step of my journey. It was damn near impossible for me to find the resources and community I needed as a 24 year old breast cancer patient, so I hope to not only be a voice for awareness, but to also create a supportive community of fellow warriors.

Feel free to follow me on Instagram at @alexxwhiitaker or the hashtag, #WhittysTittyCommittee. Reach out to me at any time with questions, words of support or just to say hi. I'd love to hear from ya!