DIY Armpit Detox
Before you make the switch to a natural deodorant, start here.
Switching to a natural deodorant was the first natural product swap I made after being diagnosed.
I was expecting it to feel somewhat different but I was absolutely not expecting the intense skin reaction I had for weeks after switching!
I broke out in an angry, painful, red + bumpy rash underneath my arms and had no clue why it happened. At first I just dealt with it, but it eventually got so painful that I considered switching back to a “normal” yucky deodorant.
Thankfully, after some research about how to switch to a natural deodorant, I realized I needed to do an armpit detox. DOH! HERE you can find more info about why you should detox your pits.
You’ll find packaged detoxes that will cost you $$$, but here’s one that only takes two ingredients and will last you foreverrrr.
Ingredients + Materials:
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay
- Plastic bowl, spatula, brush + measuring spoons
*I highly recommend using a cheap set like the one linked because it sucks to clean!
1. In a small plastic bowl, mix equal parts Healing Clay + Apple Cider Vinegar. I recommend starting with 1 tablespoon of each and increasing from there, if necessary. I always have enough left over here to also apply to my face for the most amazing mask you’ll ever try.
2. With a plastic spatula stir until you reach a paste-like consistency. If the mask is too chunky, add small amounts of Apple Cider Vinegar until you reach ideal consistency.
3. Using or brush, apply the detox mask to your armpits.
4. Relax while you let the mask harden. This will take 5 minutes or less. Don’t leave on for longer than 20 minutes, especially if you have sensitive skin! I recommend sitting in your bathtub while doing this so you can contain the crumbles + prop your arms up while they dry. If you don’t have a tub, put a towel down to reduce the mess.
5. Hop in the shower, rinse and VOILA!
Let me know how this detox works for you!